Coastal authorities in England and Ireland help disseminating the Coasts for Kids series to their partners.

The C4K animations were developed with the aim of empowering kids (and adults) to understand some of the complex interactions regulating coastal dynamics at a variety of temporal and spatial scales, and to trigger awareness and interest on coasts from an early age.
At C4K we are delighted that Flood and Coastal Authorities are using the series to cover key educational and environmental messages.
Regional Flood and Coastal Committee (NW England)
The C4K team members pulled all stops and achieved great impact at the local and regional level. The Regional Flood and Coastal Committee disseminated the resource to all partners in NW England. This covers all Risk Management Authorities such as the Environment Agency, all local authorities, and sub-regional partnerships.
The NW Flood Hub website also added C4K as a link in their NW coast section and education hub section.

CARO-Atlantic Seaboard North (Ireland)
The Atlantic Seaboard North CARO coordinates climate action (including coastal flooding and storminess) undertaken by the five Local Authorities of Donegal, Sligo, Mayo, Galway County and Galway City.
Colleagues from CARO made use of the C4K animations for their public awareness campaign around sand dune protection. Additionally, their website has great resources including information and videos on the benefits of various dune management techniques, and the positive impact of protecting coastal dunes on coastal resilience. (SW England)
Back in England, in Dorset (SW England) is also making use of the C4K episodes. This network brings together the Poole & Christchurch Bays Shoreline Management Plan (SMP2) with

Their website is intended as a comprehensive source of information about coastal projects in Dorset and beyond, with partners including BCP Council, Poole Harbour Commissioners and the Environment Agency.
If you are a local authority using the C4K animations, we'll be glad to hear from you!